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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:03 am 
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I hesitate to say this as it is on the fence as to political but those that seemed to say that Covid was dead in its tracks with a vaccine were politicians, not scientists. I am only making this comment as Covid has been as much political as science and that needs to be said. Please don't take this to mean that this can go all political.

Let me ask you this... If you knew someone that was 80 years old with minor respiratory issues... Would you tell them to not get a flu shot? Just like Covid vaccines the same is true with flu shots. They are not meant to prevent but, rather, to minimize the affects. It is like some of the drug TV ads you see that end with a list of side affects. Some think "why would anyone take this as the side affects are awful?". Allowing yourself to experience a little empathy you may see that the people that put up with the potential side affects do so due to their everyday life is worse.

Admitted in that you know a whole world more than me on all this but my feeling is that each person has to make their own decision as to doing a vaccine or not. The biggest block, in my opinion, to people making actual intelligent decisions on such as this is social media. While I have a Facebook account I almost never post anything except computer related dangers and/or a new recipe I come up with. If Facebook, Twitter and all the rest were shut down I would consider it a cause for celebration.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:45 am 
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Doddie wrote:
Take Steve for instance, i see him as a highly educated man with impeccable credentials, yet he seems to have been sucked in by the wording of the CDC article he shared here. Presumably thinking this 'new' vaccince formula is something to celebrate just because the CDC say it's worthy of note, yet when you actually drill down into what the CDC wrote it's meaningless.

Thank you for that compliment, Doddie. :-)

No, I've not been "sucked in" by the wording. ;-) There are lots of numbers thrown around. 54% effective against symptomatic infection is acceptable to me, having been previously vaccinated with the original formulation and the boosters over the past several years. I also take the annual Flu vaccine, and have gotten the pneumonia and shingles vaccines. I accept that there are side effects, but prefer to decrease my chances of getting sick from the viral infections.

The idea that COVID would be stopped with the vaccines was never something that I believed, nor was that widely pushed. Had 100% of the world's population been vaccinated at once, there would still be people getting sick, but it would potentially slow the spread. Of course, that's hypothetical and unrealistic.

Vaccination remains a reasonable path to reduce the incidence of serious infection. The latest variants of the virus are less fatal, but people are still ending up in the hospital, still dying, and still contracting Long COVID. I would much rather not end up with COVID and am willing to accept the risks of a vaccine side effect, which are exceedingly rare.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:11 pm 
welcoming committee
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@Jay & Steve

I'll try to keep this short and not get carried away as i often do when i feel passionate or deeply worried about something, first let me make it clear that i am not antivax and never have been.
While my stance and trust in mRNA vaccines has now eroded to the point i will never ever again have another mRNA vaccine, i do not and will not ever condemn anyone for taking them.
After all, one man's meat is another man's poison as the saying goes.

That said, the more i read about the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines the more alarmed i become, not just because of what the mRNA vaccines are potentially doing but also because of what we're not being told, lets not forget we were told the vaccine (specifically the RNA component) would remain in the muscle at point of injection and we were explicitly told it was impossible for it to go anywhere else in the body.
Whether or not that was a lie or not is open to debate, but what is not open to debate is the fact it did not remain there, it goes everywhere in the body within minutes, into every organ including the brain, through every vein, muscle, everwhere from head to toe.

The lack (i'd say blocking) of funding into research to ensure this new form of vaccine is actually safe is also staggering, i've lost count of how many top level academics who have had hundreds of papers published during their careers, who would love to get funding to carry out research on this topic only to be met with a brick wall for funding that pre-pandemic would have been almost automatic for them to get.

It's as if there's some hidden code of ethics run by a select club that the rest of us don't know about that says no-one apart from those in power are allowed to have any debate or discussion about it and if they do want to talk about it, it has to be behind closed doors so only the secret boys club knows about it.

With all secret clubs, or cabals if you will, the truth eventually comes out and maybe just maybe the truth is about to explode in there face because i can't see how they can hush this one up but i have no doubt they will try...

Back in late 2020 or early 2021 Dr John Campbell touched on something that embalmers were telling him about because they'd never seen anything like it before, Dr Campbell referenced it in one of his videos at the time but he never really mentioned it again, i always presumed because of pressure on YouTube, mainstream media etc to follow a certain narrative?

That changed 24 hours ago when he uploaded the following videos, prepare to have your eyes opened and your head explode, yes it is that shocking!

Note that in the longer/second video Major Tom Haviland does say that Covid-19 also caused this but goes on to explain that the mRNA vaccines also cause it and we have no idea how or why other than it's possibly the spike protein that both the virus and the vaccine generate... you will not believe what embalmers have been removing from corpses post mortem.

It shocked Dr Campell, it shocked Major Haviland, it shocked the embalmers, it shocks and horrifies me!

Watch and make up your own mind.

What are these

If you want to know more:
White clots common

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:55 pm 
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In this video released by Dr John Campbell today he talks to the funeral director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services in England, about what he and his embalmer are seeing and experiencing when they try to report their findings on this new blood clot phenomina.

What is said is shocking and deeply disturbing, there are no graphic images in the video but what they talk about was hard for me to listen to (it's a funeral director talking to a retired medical practitioner so the language they speak will, for many, be uncomfortable at times), one question kept popping up in my head time and again... Why?

New disease

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:33 pm 
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First let me say that this post might be going into an area of Covid that the admins of this Forum would rather i didn't get into.

If that's the case then i fully understand if this post gets taken down, i do feel though it's important we all know the truth about every aspect of Covid no matter how uncomfortable that might be when mainstream media et al are not talking about it.

I don't believe there is anything in the videos i'm about to link that could in any way be considered as anything but factual given the first link was aired on UK television, and the second a first hand account by the person who confronted the Prime Minister of his lived experience.

My aim is not to be controversial or tell anyone what to do, it is to shed some light on what's not being reported so you can make up your own mind.

If you agree with the narrative we've been fed for the last 4 years, i absolutely respect that, and understand why you wouldn't want to watch the videos.

All i ask is you take some time out to watch the videos for yourself so you can get a glimpse of what some people have been through and still going through, in growing numbers.

Question to prime minister 7 minute video

After the vaccine 1h15m video
Mr. John Watt, the man who confronted the Prime Minister. Scottish Vaccine Injury Group. A Scottish support and advocacy group for Covid19 vaccine injured or bereaved.

Edit: John Watt is from the West of Scotland so has quite a broad Scottish accent, so broad in fact i had to ask my wife (who's Glaswegian) at one point to translate a sentence he said lol
If you find yourself struggling to understand his accent the YouTube subtitles do a good job translating what he says.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:47 pm 
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I'm very conflicted about whether to continue this discussion or not, not because i'm scared to do so, it's because i feel i'm pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable on this Forum.

That said, here Dr Campbell talks to an embalmer from Alabama who was one of the first in the world to notice this 'new' pathology that embalmer's are finding worldwide, that i linked to a few days ago:

White clots USA

Dr Campbell appears to be releasing the interview in segments, i think because he's concerned that YouTube might take down the video it he released the video in one upload without getting his message across.

Part 2 can be found below, at the end of the video Dr Campbell appears to suggest there will be at least a part 3, but i guess that will depend on YouTube:

White clots USA, Part 2

As always, don't take my word for anything i post... make up your own mind after doing your own research because this is only what i've found and i could be wrong.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:38 am 
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I think you're fine with continued posting, Doddie. I appreciate getting different viewpoints. I don't trust big pharma or the government to be fully forthright with their information, but I also think that Dr. Campbell has gone the other way in his viewpoint. Being able to see all sides of the information does allow me to make my own informed opinions. ;-)

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:04 pm 
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A bunch of articles popped into my newsfeeds today referencing a recent study of COVID vaccine side effects.

"The study was conducted by the Global COVID Vaccine Safety project and took into account 99,068,901 vaccinated individuals across eight countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland." (quote from a summary article on The Hill)[/size]

I chose that article over some others because it included some stats that the others didn't. Since the article is behind a paywall, I've copied it here.

Covid Vaccines Linked To Small Increase In Heart And Brain Disorders, Study Finds—But Risk From Infection Is Far Higher
Arianna Johnson
Forbes Staff

Covid vaccines from companies like Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca were linked to rare occurrences of heart, brain and blood disorders, a recent peer-reviewed study found, though experts say the risks of developing Covid-19 greatly outweigh the risks of getting vaccinated.

Researchers from the Global Vaccine Data Network—a research arm of the World Health Organization—looked at expected versus observed rates of 13 medical conditions that were considered “adverse events of special interest” in a study population of 99 million vaccinated people eight countries, making it the largest Covid vaccine study to date.

Rare cases of myocarditis—inflammation of the heart—were identified in the first, second and third doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines: The highest rate was seen after the second Moderna dose (6.1 times the expected rate of cases), according to the study published in the journal Vaccine.
Another heart condition called pericarditis had a 6.9-fold increased risk in those who took a third dose of AstraZeneca’s viral-vector vaccine, while a first and fourth dose of Moderna’s vaccine had a 1.7-fold and 2.6-fold increased risk, respectively.

There was a 2.5-times greater risk of developing the rare autoimmune disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome among those who took AstraZeneca’s vaccine compared to the rate researchers expected, and a 3.2-times greater risk of getting blood clots among the same population.

There was a 3.8-times greater risk of developing the neurological disorder acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after the Moderna vaccine was administered, and a 2.2-fold increased risk after AstraZeneca’s vaccine, according to the study.

13.5 billion. That’s how many Covid vaccines have been administered worldwide since the start of the Covid pandemic, according to science research organization Our World in Data. Around 71% of the world’s population has received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine.

The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.

Covid vaccines are meant to prevent severe infection, and studies have indicated Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca’s vaccines are effective at preventing severe illnesses, hospitalizations and death. Meanwhile, the chances of having a neurological event after a Covid infection were up to 617-fold higher than following COVID vaccination, which suggests “the benefits of vaccination substantially outweigh the risks,” according to the Vaccine study researchers. The risk of developing myocarditis is higher post-Covid infection than after getting a Covid vaccine, according to Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, professor of Immunobiology at Yale University. Myocarditis risk after the second dose of a Covid vaccine is 35.9 per 100,000 people, compared to a 64.9 per 100,000 risk after Covid infection. The risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome after Covid infection was six times greater, and the risk of developing it after vaccination was 0.41 times greater than the control group, according to a 2023 study published in Neurology. While most Americans have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine shot, uptake for booster shots that are updated to combat new coronavirus strains has remained slow.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:14 pm 
welcoming committee
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sboots wrote:
...but I also think that Dr. Campbell has gone the other way in his viewpoint. Being able to see all sides of the information does allow me to make my own informed opinions. ;-)

Thanks Steve, i was getting worried about drifting away from my experience of Long Covid in this thread even though historically one way or another almost everything to do with Covid will probably be interpretted as "Long" as we find out more about the virus and the medical interventions.

Right or wrong i didn't want to open a new thread on this board on some of the new findings coming to light because i didn't want any new thread to be hijacked with those who might have an agenda one way or the other, there are plenty of them about so i thought the best way, if i could share here what i'm finding, was to keep it hidden in plain sight.

So, yes Dr Campbell has most definitely gone the other way in his viewpoint and i have to agree with him... he was very much for all the medical interventions as they were advertised to us and so was i, the problem is that we weren't told the truth.

We were told that mRNA vaccines were safe and effective after very limited testing but didn't include long-term data, and here's the crux of the matter... what Pfizer didn't tell anyone at that time was they subsequently changed the manufacturing process without running further tests on either efficacy or safety meaning it was impossible for anyone receiving there mRNA vaccine to give informed consent.

Informed consent is the backbone of accepting any medical intervention, if it wasn't we wouldn't have the leaflet outining every possible side effect in a leaflet that comes with every drug.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:17 pm 
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sboots wrote:
A bunch of articles popped into my newsfeeds today referencing a recent study of COVID vaccine side effects...

I read that earlier Steve but i didn't comment on it because the original published paper is rather technical, i'll look it up again and respond as soon as i can find it.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:07 pm 
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Steve, going back to your post about vaccine side effects - i found this link via Drudge Report, it's hosted on but quotes Bloomberg... i personally don't care who quotes who as long as i can link back to the original source which on this occassion thankfully appear to have done:

Article on
Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions

The following is flagged as "In Press, Corrected Proof" (whatever that means, i have no idea.), it appears to be the original source:
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals

I'm not going to lie but most of the published article flies right over my head but i do know that for a paper such as this to reach publication it takes years so i'm a bit sceptical how they can quote dates such as November 2023 in the 'Introduction'?

Another concern i have is the "Declaration of competing interest".
Read that for yourself and make up your own mind is all i'll say.

The "Conclusion" also raises a red flag for me... the details of which are probably included in the paper but it's so technically worded i could probably read it a 1,000 times and never find out what the "Other potential safety signals" actually are:
This multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Other potential safety signals that require further investigation were identified.

Please don't think i'm debunking the published paper or any of the news outlets because that couldn't be further from the truth... i just want to get to the bottom of what has been injected into me, and what if any long term effects there might be for me and billions like me, because what we were told would be injected into us is not what we were led to believe it was.

I don't think that's an unreasonable question to ask, being blinded with science from big pharma whether actual or percieved does not help anyone.

I have no doubt big pharma could tell us the truth right now using language we all understand but the simple fact is they are not, the question is, why not?

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:36 am 
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Thanks -- I'll follow later to get more details. As I understand it, the paper is fairly recent and needs to get further review and validation. However, I see it as a step in the right direction. In my opinion, the long term effects are unknown as the vaccines are still "new" on a time scale of long term. The short term effects and risk factors are becoming clearer with studies such as this.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:46 pm 
welcoming committee
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sboots wrote:
I appreciate getting different viewpoints. I don't trust big pharma or the government to be fully forthright with their information, but I also think that Dr. Campbell has gone the other way in his viewpoint. Being able to see all sides of the information does allow me to make my own informed opinions. ;-)

Steve, Dr Campbell uploaded a video to YouTube today where he is interviewed by a Dutch journalist and Author, Nikko Norte.

It's a long video (over 90 minutes long), Nikko asks Dr Campbel why his opinion changed over time and i thought you might to interested to hear the answer for yourself... because the interview is so long i've included a timestamped link below to when Nikko asks the question, i didn't include an end time to where the question is answered because that's likely subjective to whoever is viewing it:

Standing on the shoulders of giants

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:13 pm 
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Thanks for sharing *and* linking to the bookmark!

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:28 pm 
welcoming committee
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As you're likely aware i got the video length wrong in my previous post, it is actually just over 75 minutes long not 90, if you knew me in real life you'd know i do that all the time... i.e. I add degrees from a circle instead of minutes from a clock when dealing in time... i should have stuck with my original 'an hour and a quarter' instead of trying to shorten my post to make it an easier read! :mad4: :rofl2:

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:40 am 
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COVID’s Long Haul: Virus Lingers in Blood Years After Infection
·March 7, 2024

Sadly i can't find the original paper for this article but i have no reason to doubt Neuroscience News given they have always been a reliable source in the past, it's likely the paper just isn't open source?

Summary: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can persist in the blood and tissue of some patients for up to two years post-infection, offering new insights into the phenomenon of long COVID. This groundbreaking research found COVID antigens in blood samples up to 14 months after infection and in tissue samples for more than two years.

These findings suggest a possible explanation for the persistent and diverse symptoms experienced by long COVID sufferers and pave the way for clinical trials testing treatments aimed at eliminating the lingering virus to improve patient outcomes.

Key Facts:

1. Persistence of COVID Antigens: COVID-19 virus fragments were detected in blood up to 14 months post-infection and in tissues for more than two years, challenging the notion of COVID-19 as a transient illness.
2. Association with Severity: The likelihood of detecting COVID antigens was higher in individuals who experienced severe illness, indicating a correlation between the persistence of the virus and the severity of initial infection.
3. Implications for Long COVID Research: These findings underscore the potential role of lingering COVID-19 fragments in driving long-term symptoms and support ongoing clinical trials investigating treatments to address long COVID.

Source: UCSD

The COVID-19 virus can persist in the blood and tissue of patients for more than a year after the acute phase of the illness has ended, according to new research from UC San Francisco that offers potential clues to why some people develop long COVID.

The scientists found pieces of SARS-CoV-2, referred to as COVID antigens, lingering in the blood up to 14 months after infection and for more than two years in tissue samples from people who had COVID.

“These two studies provide some of the strongest evidence so far that COVID antigens can persist in some people, even though we think they have normal immune responses,” said Michael Peluso, MD, an infectious disease researcher in the UCSF School of Medicine, who led both studies.

The findings were presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), which was held March 3 to 6, 2024, in Denver.

~ the article continues

As i read the article the following paragraph jumped right out at me, not because it was news to me, it's because maybe the penny is finally beginning to drop in the medical realm that just because someone wasn't hospitalised it doesn't mean the near death experiences those people had weren't as real for those who were in hospital with Long Covid/Covid... i'd strongly argue that to be at home with no medical supervision at all was actually worse, but maybe that's just me:
Among those who were hospitalized for COVID, the likelihood of detecting the COVID antigens was about twice as high as it was for those who were not. It was also higher for those who reported being sicker, but were not hospitalized.
edited for emphasis[/b]

It didn't go without notice that Merck, a large pharmaceutical company, along with a certain Mr Zuckerberg (directly or indirectly?) had involvement in the funding of the research, make of that what you will.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:58 pm 
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Interesting stuff all around. It doesn't surprise me that Merck (who my sister was employed by and is now a long term temp -- she retires later this year) funded the research as they would want a finger in the pie for any potential pharmaceutical treatments. Zuck funding it is particularly interesting.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:32 am 
welcoming committee
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This is an interesting discussion, it's mostly about 'embalmers clots' that i've avoided raising here because not much is known about them yet, however there is one question asked at 18:09 that i really want to find an answer for?

i.e. How did the vaccine help eradicate so many of my Long Covid symptoms overnight... sadly in this video no answer is given, there is an argument that could be made that the question was ignored or skipped over by Prof Kell but at this point in time i'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just be glad that someone has asked the question in the hope that more academics also ask the same question.

To skip to when the question is asked:

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:51 am 
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Doddie wrote:
i.e. How did the vaccine help eradicate so many of my Long Covid symptoms overnight... sadly in this video no answer is given, there is an argument that could be made that the question was ignored or skipped over by Prof Kell but at this point in time i'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just be glad that someone has asked the question in the hope that more academics also ask the same question.

To skip to when the question is asked:

I'm certainly no scientist, but I read an article recently (don't recall the source!) that noted a study that showed Long COVID sufferers had traces of the virus in the blood and tissue many months after the primary symptoms were long gone. I assume that to mean that the "traces" were not detectable through testing as it wasn't the virus itself. However, my guess would be that the vaccine caused the body the develop some antibodies and other defenses that rooted out some of the "traces" that were causing some of the Long COVID symptoms. I do hope that science continues to investigate everything about Long COVID to help the millions suffering from it in many different ways.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:50 am 
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After reviewing my recent posts in this thread i just realised i didn't address an important question that Jay asked so i'll try and address it now...

jaylach wrote:
Let me ask you this... If you knew someone that was 80 years old with minor respiratory issues... Would you tell them to not get a flu shot? Just like Covid vaccines the same is true with flu shots. They are not meant to prevent but, rather, to minimize the affects.

No, i would not tell anyone not to have any type of shot if they are fully aware of all the potential side effects.

The important difference between Flu and Covid vaccines is that it took decades for a Flu vaccine to be approved so all the potential side effects including long-term side effects were likely known before the Flu shot was approved.
The Flu shot is based on an entirely different technology that for the most part has proven to be reliable, whereas next to nothing is known about mRNA technology side effects.

The issue i'm having now with the Covid vaccine (and believe me, i was a stalwart in 2020/21) is that there has been no long term testing of the product, indeed it was only approved for 'emergency medical use' due to the 'pandemic', however the pandemic is no longer considered an 'emergency' so why is it still being pushed onto age groups that were, and still remain to be, low risk.

Add that mRNA technology is entirely new to the drug industry and has no proven history whatsoever, indeed it isn't even the same formula that gained emergency medical use authorisation, so why now that the 'emergency' is over is it still being pushed onto people who likely have no need for it... indeed i'd go one step further and say that given what we now know, why is this vaccine still being pushed at people when we now know there are more effective alternatives including anti-virals that would likely be far less harmful and more effective?
It is like some of the drug TV ads you see that end with a list of side affects. Some think "why would anyone take this as the side affects are awful?". Allowing yourself to experience a little empathy you may see that the people that put up with the potential side affects do so due to their everyday life is worse.

Admitted in that you know a whole world more than me on all this but my feeling is that each person has to make their own decision as to doing a vaccine or not.

I couldn't agree with you more that people must have the right to choose what is administered to them, however the Covid vaccine is not the same drug that gained Emergency Use Authorisation and it most certainly does not remain in the injection site like we were told, and continue to be told, it would do.

Covid-19 destroyed my life, it is not my aim to debunk any vaccine, far from it... when i see the official narrative flying in the face of an ever growing number of extremely reputable scientists and their findings i can't keep quiet on the subject... it is in all our interests to know the truth and if that means i get into trouble for sharing what i find on this corner of the internet then so be it... at least i'll be able to sleep at night.

I won't get into it in this post but if you want to know more, just ask and i will be glad to reference many reputable medical scientists and papers where they are raising serious questions about what the vaccine induced spike protiens appears to be doing to the human body.

I'll close this post with... Jay, trust me when i say I wish i knew nothing on this subject and while i still don't really know anything about medicine i wake up every day wishing i could got back in time to the life i knew, i'm resigned to the fact that'll never happen.

If what i find out along the way can help just one person make an informed decision then what's happened to me over the 3 1/2 years will have made it worthwhile.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:13 pm 
welcoming committee
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Dr Philip McMillan posted this video today about Ivermectin, i won't comment on it because what he says is clear and concise and i see no reason to doubt anything he says, it's backed up with published papers.... links to the papers he references are in the description on YouTube.

Ivermectin - The drug that never seems to go away!

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:33 pm 
welcoming committee
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It's Long Covid Awareness day today, March 15th, and this is a very timely couple of videos from Dr Philip McMillan.

It was streamed live earlier today on YouTube and has since been edited into two videos, the first is on Youtube and it's pretty much just an introduction with a fairly strong message that Long Covid is very much a real disease.
The second video he uploaded onto Substack contains the bulk of the live stream and expands on the first where he highlights, and explains, some of the important findings from a recently published paper.

Is Long Covid a Real Disease?

Is Long Covid a Real Disease?
Looking at some of the pathology around the disease.[/b]

He also raised an important question about the elderly that i hadn't thought about before, what happens to them if they develop Long Covid given that many of them already suffer from old age post exertional malaise and other conditions such as dementia etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:12 am 
welcoming committee
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This video from Dr Campbell has me almost beyond angry but if i'm going to share here what i find it's only right i share the good with the bad, make up your own mind.

Post viral syndrome data
Long covid seems to be the same as any other post viral syndrome

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:56 am 
welcoming committee
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I'm not going to get into this article, suffice i think we all know which side of the fence i sit on plus i covered it earlier, but i will say that whether you agree with me or not the New York Post is now struck off from my sources of reliable information, whilst it might only be an opinion piece the paper still made the decision to publish it and i won't be linking to that paper again unless they have a remarkable change of editorial stance:

On Long COVID Awareness Day, remember this: Long COVID is fake!

As a rebuttal, cf:

Why scrapping the term ‘long COVID’ would be harmful for people with the condition

Linked within the article just above, but it's easy to miss so i want to highlight it here:

Solving the puzzle of Long Covid
Long Covid provides an opportunity to understand how acute infections cause chronic disease

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:52 am 
welcoming committee
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This is very interesting, it always felt like i had some sort of brain damage associated with brain fog but of course there was no way of understanding what was causing it, or indeed what it was (i truly believed i had some sort of dementia that i might never recover from, so little was known at that stage) but maybe we are starting to find that out... along with why when my brian fog started to lift it felt like i was living through the end of the track by Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb!

I was aware of the hypothesis that the blood brain barrier had been breached back then, but it had never been proven so it always remained a hypothesis, maybe that's about to change?

Long COVID brain fog may be due to damaged blood vessels in the brain
The result suggests there is a biological basis for this symptom

By Meghan Rosen

March 15, 2024 at 8:30 am

Leakiness in the brain could explain the memory and concentration problems linked to long COVID.

In patients with brain fog, MRI scans revealed signs of damaged blood vessels in their brains, researchers reported February 22 in Nature Neuroscience. In these people, dye injected into the bloodstream leaked into their brains and pooled in regions that play roles in language, memory, mood and vision.

It’s the first time anyone’s shown that long COVID patients can have leaky blood brain barriers, says study coauthor Matthew Campbell, a geneticist at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. That barrier, tightly knit cells lining blood vessels, typically keeps riffraff out of the brain, like bouncers guarding a nightclub.

If the barrier breaks down, bloodborne viruses, cells and other interlopers can sneak into the brain’s tissues and wreak havoc, says Avindra Nath, a neurologist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. It’s too early to say definitively whether that’s happening in people with long COVID, but the new study provides evidence that “brain fog has a biological basis,” says Nath, who wasn’t involved with the work. That alone is important for patients, he says, because their symptoms may be otherwise discounted by physicians.

For some people, brain fog can feel like a slowdown in thinking or difficulty recalling short-term memories, Campbell says. For example, “patients will go for a drive, and forget where they’re driving to.” That might sound trivial, he says, but it actually pushes people into panic mode.

Campbell’s team studies repetitive head trauma. They knew that traumatic brain injuries can disrupt the blood brain barrier — and that people with these injuries sometimes report having brain fog. That mental muddling reminded the team of what people with long COVID can experience. Maybe the blood brain barrier disruption seen in some concussion patients applies to long COVID brain fog, too, the researchers surmised.

Evidence for SARS-CoV-2’s damaging effects on the brain has been mounting for years. Studies in cells and animals suggest the virus can crumble components of the blood brain barrier. And autopsies of people who have died from COVID-19 reveal barrier breakdowns, Nath and others have shown.

But until now, no one knew if this kind of damage persisted long after the initial infection subsided. The team scanned the brains of 32 people, 10 of whom had recovered from COVID-19, and 22 with long COVID. Of those with long COVID, half reported having brain fog.

An injected dye lit up all the participants’ brains during MRI brain scans. In people recovered from COVID, the dye had trouble crossing the blood brain barrier. Likewise, in long COVID patients without brain fog, the dye mostly stayed put, confined within blood vessels. But in eight of 11 participants with brain fog, the dye tended to escape from blood vessels and enter brain tissue.

“It was just so clear,” Campbell says. He remembers one of the first people scanned, someone with severe brain fog. Their temporal lobes, brain regions that sit behind the eyes, were “just flooded with this dye,” he says. The researchers’ work suggests that “brain fog wasn’t just a figment of [patients’] imagination,” Campbell says. “It was a very, very real thing that they were reporting.”

The new findings offer an opportunity to think about potential therapies, Nath says. Perhaps researchers can find a way to slow down the blood brain barrier’s breakdown — or reverse it.

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