Fearless Leader |
Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:42 am Posts: 2819
Please read the following rules of conduct for the forum. If you do not agree with these, you may not post to the forum.
1. This forum is a friendly place. Flaming is not allowed and will get you immediately removed.
2. This forum is a place for people to learn. Learning can be tough sometimes and people get confused. If they are made to look stupid because of this, it can shut down the learning process completely. You agree to not treat people in this way, but rather to be helpful and encouraging.
3. Personal attacks are not allowed.
4. Posting copyrighted material is illegal and will not be allowed, except as it falls under fair use laws.
5. Advertising or spamming the board is not allowed. You may include a link to your website in your signature, but no lengthy signatures are allowed.
6. Please try to post to the category that most closely aligns with the subject of your question.
7. When someone helps you out, it is very much appreciated if you come back and let them know that. It also helps others who are reading the groups to know what has worked and also what has not. We encourage "Thank you!" and even "You're welcome!" Good manners are important in building communities and holding them together.
8. All posts become the property of Computer Haven. However, if we use your material in some other venue, we will attempt to get your permission first, and to also give credit to you. No guarantees though, as email doesn't always get through, or your email address may change and we would not be able to get in touch with you.
9. If you have a problem with someone's behavior on the board, please do not challenge them directly. This generally worsens a situation and creates a strident atmosphere. Instead please send a private message to jaylachor sboots. We do however encourage healthy debate on technical points or other issues, as long as it doesn't become a personal attack.
10. There will be no political or religious discussions as they tend to escalate and cause issues.
11. Computer Haven reserves the right to remove any post it deems objectionable, or to remove objectionable material from a post.
12. Have fun.
_________________ Patty MacDuffie Computer Haven Administrator
Live Long and Prosper Mr. Spock