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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:26 am 
welcoming committee
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This post might be sailing a bit to close to the wind politically so if it gets taken down by a mod i'll fully understand why.

That said, i have been banging on here and elsewhere about the lack of any Covid clinics in Scotland and how our regional health boards have been left to piecemeal a response by themselves, well surprise surprise guess what...

Most Scottish health boards have used less than half long Covid money – study
Four health boards did not use any of their long Covid funding in 2022-23.

I live in the NHS Lothian region where reportedly only 17% of the Long Covid budget allocated to them by the Scottish Government has so far been spent... begs the question where has the other 83% gone?... i can't say i'm surprised but it is disappointing beyond belief that the money is there yet there still remains no central hub for specialised care where i live.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:15 am 
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The NY Post, unfortunately, is a far right leaning rag that doesn't have any redeeming value. Decades ago it actually had some semblence to an actual daily newspaperr, but it's been pretty bad for years. It doesn't surprise me that they continue to publish absolute garbage.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:04 pm 
welcoming committee
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sboots wrote:
The NY Post, unfortunately, is a far right leaning rag that doesn't have any redeeming value. Decades ago it actually had some semblence to an actual daily newspaperr, but it's been pretty bad for years. It doesn't surprise me that they continue to publish absolute garbage.

LOL! Steve, that pretty much sums up what i wanted to say but stopped myself from saying.

i.e. I often don't know enough about foreign media companies to call them out in a way i'd like but that won't stop me from calling them out on specific articles if i think they deserve it... the NY Post allowed an article to be published in their name that called Long Covid "fake" and while i tried to be polite about it, internally i was absolutely fuming that any organisation would allow a claim like that to be made without any facts to back up the claim!

I'd also add that while the article is written as if it is one person's opinion, it is actually attributed to "By Post Editorial Board", whoever or whatever that is, is anyone's guess?

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:29 pm 
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When a newspaper publishes an editorial attributed to their "editorial board" it basically means it was one or more of their editors and they aren't naming them to prevent blowback from readers for a controversial editorial -- in this case, utter garbage, as expected from the NY Post. ;-)

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:56 pm 
welcoming committee
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sboots wrote:
When a newspaper publishes an editorial attributed to their "editorial board" it basically means it was one or more of their editors and they aren't naming them to prevent blowback from readers for a controversial editorial -- in this case, utter garbage, as expected from the NY Post. ;-)

That actually (to me) makes it even worse, i mean if it was just one journalist making a fool of themself who somehow got past editorial checks i could accept that, but for an entire newspaper organisation to purposefully go ahead and publish something they clearly know will be controversial and damaging to hundreds of thousands in the US, millions globally, it's unforgiveable.

That sort of click-bait behaviour i'd expect from individuals on the likes of Youtube etc but from a company with a turnover of $200m it's hard to believe.... that said, i just did a quick online search into who owns the NY Post and if i'm not mistaken NY Post is owned by News Corp... if i'm right then that says more than i need to know about how that newspaper works so i'm glad i made the decision to ignore anything the NY Post publishes in future.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:25 am 
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Yep, News Corp is it and yes, ignoring the NY Post is the right way to go. :-D

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:10 pm 
welcoming committee
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What i'm about to share might not be for everyone, indeed it may indeed be beyond the boundaries of what's permissable on this Forum, that said i do feel it's incredibly important, not just into understanding what causes Long Covid but also potentially the origin of Covid-19 and how it gets into the body... along with best practice on how to treat it.

Before i share the links please be aware that this has this potential to cost you your job if you work in the healthcare industry so if you work in that industry DO NOT click on the links unless you are sure you can't be traced back to the video(s)... to be clear, please DO NOT under ANY circumstances view the links on any workplace device if you work in anything remotely connected to healthcare.

So now that's out the way, let me be clear that:

1. I have no medical training or background.
2. My opinions are my own and i try my best not to influence others with anything i might find online in my quest to explain what, and how, Covid-19/Long Covid destroyed my life.
3. Do not take anything i say as factual as my journey to understand the truth into what happened to me unfolds.
4. Try not to be too harsh on me when i get things wrong because i almost certainly have, and will.
5. Above all, stay safe, and as always make up your own mind!

There are 2 versions of the same video (don't be put off by the title, its a fascinating watch!), the first is the shorter version hosted on YouTube, presumably because the author knows YT will take it down if posted in it's entirety, the second is the full video:

Clinical Implications of Weaponised Bacteria Against the Host

The other longer version is hosted on Substack:
Clinical Implications of Weaponised Bacteria Against the Host

To sort of quote a well known TV series, the truth is out there... it's just a matter of finding it.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:45 pm 
welcoming committee
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As an aside and from the video above, i'd never heard of a 'Butterfly Bomb" before so i looked it up...

From the UK National Archive:

It never ceases to amaze me how often an article that apparently has no connection into what i was looking for leads me into learning something new!

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:28 pm 
welcoming committee
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I just read this and it's potentially a very interesting discovery:

COVID-19 Antibody Discovery Could Explain Long COVID
UVA Health researchers have discovered a potential explanation for some of the most perplexing mysteries of COVID-19 and long COVID. The surprising findings could lead to new treatments for the difficult acute effects of COVID-19, long COVID and possibly other viruses.

Researchers led by UVA’s Steven L. Zeichner, MD, PhD, found that COVID-19 may prompt some people’s bodies to make antibodies that act like enzymes that the body naturally uses to regulate important functions – blood pressure, for example. Related enzymes also regulate other important body functions, such as blood clotting and inflammation.

Doctors may be able to target these “abzymes” to stop their unwanted effects. If abzymes with rogue activities are also responsible for some of the features of long COVID, doctors could target the abzymes to treat the difficult and sometimes mysterious symptoms of COVID-19 and long COVID at the source, instead of merely treating the downstream symptoms.

“Some patients with COVID-19 have serious symptoms and we have trouble understanding their cause. We also have a poor understanding of the causes of long COVID,” said Zeichner, a pediatric infectious disease expert at UVA Children’s. “Antibodies that act like enzymes are called ‘abzymes.’ Abzymes are not exact copies of enzymes and so they work differently, sometimes in ways that the original enzyme does not. If COVID-19 patients are making abzymes, it is possible that these rogue abzymes could harm many different aspects of physiology. If this turns out to be true, then developing treatments to deplete or block the rogue abzymes could be the most effective way to treat the complications of COVID-19.”... continues

A link to the original paper is included in the article above but in case you missed it, it can be found here:
ACE-2-like enzymatic activity is associated with immunoglobulin in COVID-19 patients

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:05 am 
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Very interesting indeed. It sounds promising.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:49 am 
welcoming committee
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I'd like to quickly expand on a post i made almost 2 weeks ago where i linked to an article that had me totally enraged but for reasons i hope you understand i didn't get into at the time.... i've somewhat calmed down now so i'd like to expand on that now:

This video from Dr Campbell has me almost beyond angry but if i'm going to share here what i find it's only right i share the good with the bad, make up your own mind.

Post viral syndrome data
Long covid seems to be the same as any other post viral syndrome

Source: viewtopic.php?p=31004#p31004

To put into context why i was so angered by the video from Dr Campbell is quite simple, if a little long...

I've long held the view that there are mutliple levels of 'Long Covid', to be more specific... as more about the pandemic began to be understood by our health governing bodies it became very clear in the early days that some people (like me) were suffering from something that was Covid-19 related but nobody had a clue what was happening to people like me and they really didn't care... that was my initial impression but thank god there were doctors out there with open minds who did.

As time marched on and more and more people came forward with the same symptoms, it was left to those who were suffering the long-term effects of Covid-19 to 'label' what they were experiencing so they could try and understand what was happening to them along with explain to the medical community what was happening to them.

Eventually the medical profession began to sit up and take notice and question for themselves that maybe this isn't just in the heads of those patients after all, they've been suffering from never seen before post viral symptoms and those symptoms are not going away, indeed the symptoms of this post viral infection are behaving in ways we've never seen before (e.g cyclical and multiple yet never resolving).

Fast forward too, i forget when exactly, but if you read my history on this forum you'll see for yourself when i began to voice a concern about the misuse of the terminology 'Long Covid', it was i think in the Alpha or Delta phase that government's began to talk about symptoms lasting beyond 12 weeks(?) that i first said, no, that's not right.

For me 12 weeks was a complete red herring and has nothing to do with 'Long Covid... i still maintain to this day that feeling tired or having other mild symptoms is NOT Long Covid.

In fact, i wouldn't even label that as a post-viral infection, i'd call it post viral malaise where you might feel a bit tired for a couple of months and have one or two other mild symptoms that linger for a bit after something like the Common Cold or the Flu.... but that is certainly NOT Long Covid and if any terminology should be changed it should be for those with mild post viral malaise to change what they have, it's NOT for those who have had this post viral disease given that they educated the world too it, who had their lives stolen by it, for them to change the terminology that they coined in a desperate need for recognition and cry for help.

To do that would be akin to cancel culture and i for one will not be a part of that, Long Covid was real, it is still real, and by all accounts it will remain real into the future for many other people.

I don't know why or how this 'dumbing' down of Long Covid is coming about but to sit and watch Dr Campbell seemingly back-up a flawed rationale from a State in Australia, which until the Omicron variant spread globally and they opened their borders, has no evidence for the previous variants to base their assumptions on that Long Covid is no more than a 'hangover' from a cold or flu... to say it left me cold and furious to the point i was thinking for the first time what is the point if even the health professionals are now denying the existence of my previous 4 years, what has been the point?... would literally be the understatement of my lifetime.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:50 am 
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Whatever it is called, what you and others have (and still have) that has been lumped into the diagnosis of Long COVID, there's no question that there any many variations. Surely there are some who experience symptoms following recovery from the initial infection that are typical to a bad Flu. However, there's no question that many people have suffered dramatic and debilitating effects to their physiology due to the virus. On a positive note, medical science is working to understand the cause of this and trying to develop treatments.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:33 am 
welcoming committee
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sboots wrote:
On a positive note, medical science is working to understand the cause of this and trying to develop treatments.

I absolutely agree with that, however it's becoming increasingly noticeable that some people who should know better now appear to be falling into line with a narrative i cannot and will not accept.

Take Dr Campbell for example, for years i've been struggling to understand why he's never been all over Long Covid... yes he's occasionally referenced it but in reality i've never truly believed he's taken it seriously, why he hasn't has never sat well with me but i've followed him almost religiously because he does give great insight into other aspects of Covid-19 that i'd otherwise not find, or know about.

To sit and watch him apparently agree with a politician from a state within a country where they had next to no Covid-19 infection from the outset (until the Omicron variant when they opened their borders again) who is now trying to make a case for the term 'Long Covid' to be dropped is beyond offensive... indeed i'd go one step further and say it's downright negligent.

Fwiw, i'm so tired of this damn disease, to watch the turmoil in the aftermath of it is heartbreaking, it's not only destroyed my trust in the medical profession it's also destroyed the trust that many medical professionals have in their profession... i keep coming back to the same questions... how was this allowed to happen, and why?
The answers to those questions i doubt we'll know in the rest of my lifetime because i'm sure they'll be locked away under some 30+ year rule, eventually though humanity will learn the truth because they can't hide the truth for ever.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 3:15 pm 
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A few days ago, Thurs 28th March, i posted a message in this thread about an antibody discovery that could lead to explaining the mysteries of Long Covid etc.

Dr Philip McMillan has just put up a video on YouTube where he gives his opinion on that paper, i don't think i'm exaggerating if i say he's shocked by the findings but i won't attempt to speak for him, the video is 16m:44s long and it's probably best you listen to what he has to say and make up your own mind.

COVID Autoimmunity - Horrific Findings!

At time of typing this Dr McMillan hasn't yet uploaded the video to his Substack but when/if he does i'll come back and edit this post to add a link to it just in case YouTube take the video down.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:24 pm 
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This will be my third post on the comments made by the Queensland (Australia) chief health officer where he called for the scrapping of the term "long Covid", and i hope, my last.

cf my posts:
March 17: viewtopic.php?p=31004#p31004
March 30: viewtopic.php?p=31065#p31065

It turns out Queensland Health have apologised for the 'comment' made by their chief health officer (no caps for his title is on purpose, he doesn't deserve the title imo)

Queensland health apologises over long Covid comments

Queensland Health apologises after chief health officer calls for 'long Covid' term to be scrapped
Queensland Health has apologised over comments made by the state's Chief Health Officer calling for the term 'long Covid' to be scrapped.
[Includes a short video that's well worth watching!]

In the UK, The Guardian have issued is a correction to their initial article:
Time to stop using term ‘long Covid’ as symptoms no worse than those after flu, Queensland’s chief health officer says
In a time honoured fashion the printed press hide these things, but nonetheless it is there, sort of:
The headline of this article was amended on 16 March 2024 to clarify that it was the Queensland chief health officer’s conclusion that the use of the term ‘long Covid’ should stop, rather than it being a finding contained in the study.

The one thing i can't find is the actual apology letter or video from this so called chief health officer actually apolgising but for now i'll take it as read that he did (at least Queensland Health did) and move on.

The only issue i have now is whether Dr Campbell will retract his association with the Queensland <enter expletive> chief health officer statement remains to be seen.... Dr Campbell was/is in Australia this week so he must surely be aware that the comments by the Queensland chief health officer have been debunked/retracted by the Queensland Health Authority.... it'll be very disappointing if Dr Campbell doesn't do so.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:35 am 
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Apology is good.

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 8:46 pm 
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To be honest i'm not really sure where to begin explaining what i'm learning now, while not really on-topic for what i would call 'Long Covid' it is relevant in the sense that 'Covid' is going to be 'Long' for a very long time in one form or another.

While i find it deeply disturbing that mainstream media is not all over these findings i can say i'm not surprised given the history of how the pandemic unfolded... put bluntly, the way we have been treated is nothing short of a disgrace and this is likely to rumble on for a very long time, the full impact of which i doubt any of us will ever know in our lifetimes.

The video links i'm about to share here are, in my opinion, worthy of watching but they are not light entertainment and often heavy on medical jargon, in total they amount to circa 6 hours of viewing so i'll leave it for you to decide if you want to watch them, the audio and European accents can also be hard to follow at times as well.

All i'd ask if you do take the time to watch them is you go in with an open mind so you can make an informed judgement on the content.

The videos are in chronological order as i found them and i won't give any comment on the content other than the label the videos were given by the provider and a link to view them... the only exception being the last video, which is from a guy in the US, Kyle, who was vaccine injured in 2021 and who is now taking the fight to Washington DC, someone who in my eyes is the epitome of an American hero.

Have you ever seen Clots like this? DO NOT WATCH if squeamish!

Full video for the link above; Embalmer Meets Pathologist - Cause of Mystery Clots?


The Needle's Secrets

Could the Covid Vaccine Cause Cancer?

Genetically modified organisms

Booster issues in vascular surgery

Kyle in DC

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:42 pm 
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I'm lost for words so i'll just share these two videos.

Yes, this is based on the results of a UK inquiry not related to Covid, published today, but it should be taken as an eye-opener to anyone who thinks we can't be getting lied too now, no matter what country you live in.

Dr. John Campbell
Confirmed horrifying scandal:

Dr Mobeen Syed
Infected Blood Report | Day of Shame for the British State - Rishi Sunak

The latter link is palpable with emotion.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 10:02 pm 
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I just want to quickly dip in here and add this video published by Dr Campbell on Wednesday 22/05/24 (UK timezone).

In a nutshell it explains why, many months ago, after 3 vaccine shots i decided i would never have another mRNA based treatment again.
Among the topics discussed are the effects of mRNA Covid vaccines on the immune system, alternate widely available treatments (read that as banned for Covid treatment), and more.

As always, this is just for your information and it's for you to make up your own mind.

Dr Campbell talks with two highly respected Professors, be aware though that the audio on the Australian side of the interview has a quite a lot of white noise in the background but i'd encourage everyone to try and filter that out themself... it is a long video of just over an hour so the noise does get somewhat annoying but you won't regret it if you make it to the end.

T cells, cancer and immunity:
Professor Angus Dalgleish, (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Fellow of Medical Science.) Professor Dalgleish is a highly experienced doctor, physician, medical teacher, medical author and researcher with over 500 primary research publications. He was also a pioneering researcher into HIV/AIDS.

Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, doctor of medicine, doctor of science, doctor of philosophy, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, is a consultant physician and a well-known medical researcher, author and teacher. He holds the Australia medal.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:08 pm 
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This one has got me stumped on how to start an intro for it so i'll just post the links with an extract and let you make up your own mind about how much you want to read.
(Note: both papers are recently posted and still in preprint)

Antibodies from Long Covid patients prompt symptoms in mice

Two new studies suggest dysfunctional immune system attacking a patient’s own tissues might drive the challenging condition
In the quest to explain the symptoms of Long Covid, one suspect—antibodies in the blood that target a patient’s own tissues—is getting extra scrutiny from two teams of scientists an ocean apart. Both groups injected mice with antibodies from the blood of people with Long Covid, the constellation of symptoms that sometimes persist for months or years after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. And in certain cases, they say, the rodents developed symptoms seemingly mirroring those of their human donors, in particular a heightened sensitivity to pain.

Some scientists say these studies, one posted earlier this week, bolster the case for a dysfunctional immune system, triggered by a coronavirus infection, directly fueling Long Covid symptoms—and open the door to potential new treatment trials. “This is strong evidence” for Long Covid being an immune-mediated disorder, and likely applies to other postviral syndromes, too, says Danilo Buonsenso, a pediatric infectious disease doctor who studies and treats Long Covid in children at Gemelli University Hospital and was not involved in the work.

But although other researchers said the studies were elegantly done, and may offer novel mouse models of Long Covid, they are less certain about the bottom line. “There’s no uniform autoantibodies” in these groups of patients, says Avindra Nath, clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This makes it tricky to say certain autoantibodies are causing certain symptoms—in mice or in people.

“If you think of a [typical] autoimmune disease, you have antibodies against a target and it’s the same target in all patients,” says Petter Brodin, an immunologist at the Karolinska Institute. “What’s clear is that this is not such a disease.”

Autoantibodies have long been eyed in Long Covid, with various studies finding them enduring in patients’ blood. But their role has been ambiguous in the syndrome, partly because so many different types show up in patients. Autoantibodies are also common in healthy people. And they can surface and then fade away after infections. “Any time you stimulate your immune system,” autoantibodies can result, Brodin says. But some autoantibodies cause clear harm: In certain autoimmune diseases, they target a specific tissue and are key to triggering illness.

So far, it hasn’t been clear whether antibodies found in Long Covid patients’ blood directly cause illness—and thus are a good target for treatment. So, two Long Covid research teams recently decided to dig into the question—one led by immunologist Akiko Iwasaki at Yale University, the other by immunologist Jeroen den Dunnen at Amsterdam University Medical Center and neuroimmunologist Niels Eijklekamp at University Medical Center Utrecht. Both teams first isolated antibodies from the blood of Long Covid patients and then transferred the mixture into healthy mice to see whether that would prompt symptoms that mirrored those of the patients, or the abnormalities in their immune system.

Original source for the papers:

Transfer of IgG from Long COVID patients induces symptomology in mice
Full text:

A causal link between autoantibodies and neurological symptoms in long COVID
Full text:

As an aside and anecdotal to me (not a new thing for this damn disease!), my recent common cold & norovirus infections have had a very odd positive couple of twists that i'm not sure i want to fully share here yet... i probably will but one of them is highly personal and if i do share it i'll probably run it by Steve via PM before i do, in any case i'll post about it my 'My experience' thread should i post about it.

That said, i can now at long last say with a huge smile on my face that somehow after years of fighting Covid related sleep issues (was it ever insomnia, or as i suspected, damage to my pineal gland?), that my recent double dose of other viruses has remarkably reset my sleep.
When i say 'reset', i still have a bit of work to do on that because it's not easy to suddenly fall back into a routine after 4 years of turmoil when sleep has been reversed into night being day, and day into night, but with a bit of self butt kicking and discipline i see no reason why i can't begin to finally start rebuilding my life now.
So what changed, the honest answer is i don't know, all i know is that when i get tired at night now i stay that way until i sleep, for the past couple of years (post 1st vaccine shot) when i felt tired the urge to go to bed only lasted at most an hour until i'd feel wide awake again and i couldn't sleep even if i tried... now if i don't sleep that feeling to sleep never goes away until i do, and i'm loving it!!

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:51 pm 
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This is interesting, posted 5th July 2024 (link to the orignal source published 3rd July is posted at the end of this post), if i understand it correctly it might explain a lot about why my symptoms resolved in stages and in strange ways (at least to me).

Study shows abnormal immune-cell activity with long COVID:

People who have long COVID symptoms—those that linger well after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection—can display signs of abnormal immune-cell activation in many of their organs and tissues, as well as leftover SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the gut, for more than 2 years after infection, according to a small study this week in Science Translational Medicine.

University of California, San Francisco researchers analyzed data on 24 people after their initial COVID-19 illness who underwent whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) imaging at time points ranging from 27 to 910 days (about 2 and a half years) after their acute COVID-19 cases. Eighteen of the patients had long COVID.

The team used a tracer during PET imaging that selectively tags activated T cells and found that people with long COVID had certain tissues that were enriched for activated T cells in comparison with never-infected people who did not have long COVID (prepandemic controls).

Furthermore, this T-cell activation correlated with symptoms of long COVID. For example, people who reported persistent lung problems had stronger signs of T-cell immune activation in their lungs.

Viral RNA in gut tissue

In addition, because the gut was one of the sites of activated T-cell enrichment, the scientists analyzed colorectal biopsies from five of the patients with long COVID. All five of these samples contained SARS-CoV-2 RNA.

The authors wrote, "In this first-in-human T cell activation PET imaging study of individuals after SARS-CoV-2 infection, we found evidence of persistent T cell activation in a variety of tissues. In some individuals, this activity may persist for years after initial COVID-19 onset and be associated with systemic changes in immune activation as well as the presence of [long COVID] symptoms."

"Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood," the authors concluded.

Sadly the original paper is not open source so only the Editor's Summary and Abstract are available to read, but nonetheless they are worthy of reading.

Tissue-based T cell activation and viral RNA persist for up to 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection:

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:04 pm 
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Further to my previous post about abnormal immune cell activity in Long Covid patients, i see it's now being picked up by other reputable sources.

Sadly the full content of the study still isn't publicly available, and likely never will be, but this article does show some imaging from the original paper that without access to the full paper i can't even begin to try and work out what the images are showing, but even drips and drabs of something are better than nothing at all.

Long COVID uncharacteristic immune cell activity and SARS-CoV-2 RNA found in the gut two years after infection

On a more positive note i do take heart that at long last the results of studies into Long Covid are finally beginning to trickle in, in no small measure because as they come out they vindicate many of the symptoms and theories i had about what was happening to me when i was met with blank stares that often became derision as i tried to describe what i was feeling at the time to family, friends, work and clinicians.

Not because i can say, 'i told you but you wouldn't believe me, why wouldn't you? Now look, here's the evidence'.

For me it's not about what other people think and never has been, it's always been about finding answers to what and how did this happened to me and other people like me... how isn't the right word, i know how, i caught a virus, what i mean is what happened to my body that caused me to suffer in the way i did and how did it do it <--- that's the million dollar question!

Fwiw, i don't really care whether the virus originated from bats or a lab in Wuhan, the latter is looking more and more likely but the truth about that will be locked away for decades if not centuries, possibly never to be released and lost in time so i'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out the truth about that... if i was a teenager or in my twenties then yes i'd be all over that but i'm not, i'm 60, so i'll leave that fight for them.

What matters is we need answers as fast as possible to help people who are in the position i was in and to find treatments to help them.

The rest is just symantics and a blame game.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:57 am 
welcoming committee
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It's been a few weeks since i had anything worthy to add to this thread, not because i've not been looking, i do still dip my toes into the water to see what's happening, it's just that the new studies i find often appear to be rehashing pretty much what i/we already knew with updated data that take the studies into the next data period.
If i've learned one thing from this pandemic it's that science is painfully slow at learning about novel viruses!

However, i've come across some publications that if you look at the numbers involved it's staggering how many people have now suffered from Long Covid, and the numbers are still growing.

This one by PBS is not a long read and while my understanding is a lot of Americans don't rate PBS very highly, i find this article to be very well written in that the author makes his points very clear and in such a way that even an idiot could understand them without doing so in a patronising way.
Full disclosure: The article is actually a republication of the following one but i feel the PBS one was laid out in a format that is easier to read, it's up to you which one you want to read but as far is i can tell the content is exactly the same. Your mileage may vary depending on if you are using an adblocker, or not.

Scientists are piecing together the puzzle of long COVID. Here’s what to know
Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – the picture is unsettling

This one is staggering in terms of numbers effected and cost:

About 400 Million People Worldwide Have Had Long Covid, Researchers Say
Source used for the article above:

Also, and this is a bit embarrassing to admit... i also have another 2 windows minimised that i wanted to include in this post but for the life of me i can't remember where i got them from or why i kept them open, i think they were links form one or more of the other links above so i'll just post the links for you too read.
Be aware though that i'm pretty sure i just wanted to cut and paste bits from them and gives links to the full papers because they are published journals and both are rather long and full of medical jargon:

Published: 09 August 2024
Long COVID science, research and policy

Interestingly and maybe this is why i kept that page open, theres a Figure titled:

Fig. 1: A brief timeline of key events and milestones in the history of long COVID.

I remember well the gap between Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the WHO, saying in Aug 2020 that "We hear you" in response to the Long Haul/Long Covid advocacy groups who were invited to the WHO to give a presentaion on the issue, he wasn't scheduled to be at the meeting but he did stand in the wings listening, when the presentations were over he emerged from the wings and gave his (now infamous to me) speech about "we hear you" and thanked the attendees promising action.

It took another 14 months for the WHO to officially recognise Long Covid after that presentation, why did it take so long??

My GP and every other clinician i came into contact with during that 14 month period knew what it was but because of WHO delay and national guidelines that follow WHO policy, my GP couldn't diagnose me with anything other than 'Post viral infection'.
I put much of why my employer didn't believe me down to that ridiculous delay.

To this day i still turn off the TV whenever that idiot of a man appears on it, i'd love to meet him in person one day to tell him what damage that delay did to me (and possibly) millions like me but i'd also likely cross the road because i'm not sure i'd be able to contain my anger.

Final link today, i promise:

Published:July 31, 2024
Cognitive and psychiatric symptom trajectories 2–3 years after hospital admission for COVID-19: a longitudinal, prospective cohort study in the UK

Given the cognitive, especially the latter psychiatric, issues i went on to develop around my 2-3 year period i found this a very interesting read indeed, not only does it confirm what i already knew were almost certainly Covid related, it confirms that i wasn't alone.

I'm still not sure why these papers always focus on hospital patients given the huge numbers who were never admitted to hospital but maybe that's just the most stable baseline they have?

It does go on to say this though, and i have to tip my hat at them for this because it does sort of answer my biggest mystery, why did i have mild symptoms for 6 months only to fall off a cliff at 6 months?
Psychiatric and cognitive symptoms appear to increase over the first 2–3 years post-hospitalisation due to both worsening of symptoms already present at 6 months and emergence of new symptoms. New symptoms occur mostly in people with other symptoms already present at 6 months. Early identification and management of symptoms might therefore be an effective strategy to prevent later onset of a complex syndrome.

One of the hardest parts of Long Covid for me has always been that i caught Covid so very early on meaning science has always been playing catchup and every new symptom, or step along the road to recovery if you want, has always been me taking it on my own and waiting for science to confirm it's not all in my head.

Whilst i wouldn't wish Long Covid on my worst enemy i do kind of envy people who develop it now because at least medics can identify it and give some sort of advice on how to manage it.

My final word on this post is this, i have no doubt we will move on from the 2-3 year post infection studies above and see the exact same studies saying exactly the same thing in 12 months time with the only difference being that the time studied has been expanded to 3-4 years.

I've lost all faith that a treatment will ever be found for Long Covid or Covid-19, the truth is this should never have happened, and yet it did.

With all that i've learned over the last 4 years, it's that no-one in power really gives a <enter word of your choice>.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:14 am 
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Thanks for continuing to share, Doddie.
Yes, it does see that those in power don't give a $%^&

stephen boots
Microsoft MVP 2004 - 2020
"Life's always an adventure with computers!"

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:58 pm 
welcoming committee
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Thanks again, Steve.
If i'm honest i doubt i'll ever be able to let this topic go, at least not until an awful lot of unanswered questions are unequivocally answered.

Questions like:
What was the actual source of the Virus, animal crossover or lab escape? Why don't we know that by now?
What causes Long Covid (PASC) in some people, and yet not in others?
Why are there still no definitive answers to fully explain what caused (and how) any one of the well over 50 symptoms that effectively turned me into a vegetable for months and had me believing i wasn't going to wake up the next day, understood let alone answered?
Why were some anitvirals that we now know work, treated as some form of; to coin a phrase from your side of the pond, as "snake oil", have doctors all over the world if they even spoke out about them, struck off or fired from their jobs?
The million dollar questions that i suspect i'll never find answers for in my lifetime, and likely not for many more generations to come after my lifetime, if ever... is how does Covid-19 cause Long Covid in some people yet not in others, and what are the longer term health issues from Long Covid?
If there is such a thing these days as a billion dollar question then this is it for me... why do i feel like after every step i've taken in my journey over the last 4 years, with hindsight, do i feel i have been lied too? Not by my day to day clinicians but by the people at the top of the ladder.

Anyways, i kind of went off on a rant/tangent there because there is a recently published paper i want to share that sort of neatly fits in with one questions above, but i'll add another post for that in a few minutes.

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