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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:59 pm 
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As always, thanks for sharing this information!

stephen boots
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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:51 pm 
welcoming committee
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As seems to be the way of things, this is well above my pay grade but as it's something i've long suspected may be relevent... indeed, i used to talk openly about a possible correlation between ME/CFS and Long Covid, but because no evidence was forthcoming i stopped talking about it... it now looks like i may have been onto something after all.

COVID-19 dramatically raises the risk of developing ME/CFS

Researchers uncover the alarming overlap between COVID-19, ME/CFS, and severe long COVID symptoms, urging better diagnostics and care strategies.

A recent study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine explored the occurrence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Using data from the RECOVER-Adult study, a research team from the United States (U.S.) evaluated the prevalence and incidence of ME/CFS among individuals recovering from COVID-19, identified key symptoms, and compared them to uninfected individuals to better understand post-COVID health outcomes.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating condition that is often triggered by infections. Research shows that certain viruses, including Epstein-Barr and Ross River, may lead to ME/CFS, which is characterized by chronic fatigue, post-exertional malaise, cognitive impairment, and a lack of restful sleep.

The global emergence of COVID-19 has heightened concerns about its long-term health impacts, collectively termed post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or long COVID. Studies have revealed fatigue as a common symptom among long COVID patients, along with cognitive issues and post-exertional malaise — symptoms that also align with a diagnosis of ME/CFS.

Despite this overlap, data quantifying ME/CFS incidence after COVID-19 remains limited. This gap in knowledge hinders a comprehensive understanding and management of ME/CFS in post-COVID patients. Furthermore, the identification of PASC symptom clusters highlights a wide spectrum of symptom burden, including one particularly severe cluster associated with ME/CFS. Investigating these associations is also essential to guide healthcare strategies, improve diagnostic criteria, and develop interventions targeting this complex, multifaceted condition.

Incidence and Prevalence of Post-COVID-19 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A Report from the Observational RECOVER-Adult Study

There is also this:
Multiple Covid Infections Associated with Long Covid

However, at time of typing i can't find a working link to the paper above so i'm discounting it as a credible source for the moment, and as such won't quote from it... that said, i do feel that it would be remiss not to mention its existence.

As an aisde, there appears to be an abundance of papers being published this week about Long Covid and i can't help asking myself why this sudden rush to publish papers?... i won't go into my suspicions because that will likely label me a conspiracy theorist, not for the first time since 2020, but here's another recently published paper:

Choroid plexus volume is enlarged in long COVID and associated with cognitive and brain changes

Patients with post-COVID condition (PCC) present with diverse symptoms which persist at long-term after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Among these symptoms, cognitive impairment is one of the most prevalent and has been related to brain structural and functional changes. The underlying mechanisms of these cognitive and brain alterations remain elusive but neuroinflammation and immune mechanisms have been majorly considered. In this sense, the choroid plexus (ChP) volume has been proposed as a marker of neuroinflammation in immune-mediated conditions and the ChP epithelium has been found particularly susceptible to the effects of SARS-CoV-2. The objective was to investigate the ChP in PCC and evaluate its relationships with cognition, brain, and immunological alterations. One-hundred and twenty-nine patients with PCC after a mean of 14.79 ± 7.17 months of evolution since the infection and 36 healthy controls were recruited. Participants underwent a neuropsychological, and neuroimaging assessment and immunological markers evaluation. Results revealed ChP volume enlargement in PCC compared to healthy controls. The ChP enlargement was associated with cognitive dysfunction, grey matter volume reduction in frontal and subcortical areas, white matter integrity and diffusivity changes and functional connectivity changes. These ChP changes were also related to intermediate monocytes levels. Findings suggest that the ChP integrity may play a relevant role in the pathophysiology of cognitive deficits and the observed brain changes in PCC. The previously documented function of the ChP in maintaining brain homeostasis and regulating the entry of immune cells into the brain supports the presence of neuroinflammatory mechanisms in this disorder.

I could go on but i'll close with this heartbreaking read, yes believe it or not, while i didn't end up in a psychaitric ward had i lived alone there is every chance i could have ended up on one but thankfully i had family around me who helped me to get through this very dark and lonely time.

Dismissed and Disbelieved, Some Long COVID Patients Are Pushed Into Psychiatric Wards

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:24 am 
welcoming committee
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There are no words to explain what living with Long Covid is like, this is likely as close as you can get if you've never experienced it:

‘The pandemic isn’t over’: my year of long Covid – video
Darren Parkinson is one of about 2 million people living with long Covid in England and Scotland. The illness is having a detrimental impact on his life, stopping him from being the kind of active and involved parent he wants to be to his two children. The Guardian has spent a year with Darren and his family to document his journey as he tries to recover from long Covid and come to terms with his new reality

The Guardian also uploaded the video to YouTube so if the link above doesn't work in you geographical location you shoud be able to view it here:

I can't say this strongly enough, don't be fooled by how healthy Darren might look at times in the video, what you don't get to see is the endless hours of dibilitation and utter inability to function that Long Covid can have on people.

I'm only a few weeks from when i was first infected by Covid-19 in Feb 2020 (nearly 5 years now) and i'm still fighting to get my life back on track so please don't be dismissive when someone tells you they are struggling with Long Covid.

Unless you've been effected by Long Covid the chances are you have no idea what it's like.

A little compassion and a little biting your tongue (if you don't believe) goes a long way.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:38 am 
welcoming committee
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Watched this 11 minute video below and felt i had to share it here, i'm still not sure what to make of it but it certainly perked my interest, not least because when i thought my sleep issues were beginning to be behind me, they still keep coming back.

Before i post the link i would like to say that the Doctor in the video uses his channel to fund his work in the background, i don't have an issue with that because i've been following his channel on YouTube for a year or more now and i'm used to filtering out his 'self promotion', that said others may have an issue with it so i want to get that out the way first so you can decide whether you want to watch it or not.

That out the way, i'd never heard of 'Coronasomnia' before but i can 100% relate to it and that's why i sat with my jaw hitting the floor when i first watched it a day or so ago. I'd also never heard of the 2022 published paper he refers too:

Coronasomnia in Employees without a Direct Contact with COVID-19 Infected Patients in Their Workplace

I wish i had known about it sooner because if i had it might have helped stop me from believing that this was just another symptom that i could have done more to alleviate... in other words, one that i thought wasn't actually real and was down to me not doing more.

It also opens yet another avenue of Long Covid that i need to research, like what in the heck is Ventro lateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) & Tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN)? And what, if any, impact does that have on what i suspect is damaged in my case... the pineal gland?

Add that now i know Covid-19 can be a cause of disrupted sleep, albeit so far only with this suspected mechanism, what in the heck do i do with that knowledge and how do i confront a medical professional (i.e. my GP) with it to get them to take me seriously... so far i have been gaslit by a lot by medics on this issue recently.

That's mostly a rhetorical question i'm asking but if anyone has any suggestions or comments i'll be open to hear them.

The Youtube video link:

IS Coronasomnia RUINING Your Sleep?

Long Covid is like the gift that just keeps giving, i'd love to hand that gift back because i no longer want it, but like super glue it won't let go.

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:55 pm 
welcoming committee
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I kind of mean this tongue in cheek, but at the same time it angers me, why?

Because it's nothing we don't already know, so how much more money is being wasted on research that has already been proven instead of being spent on finding meaningful results?

Long COVID Impairs Exercise Capacity and Cognition for Years
January 23, 2025
Summary: A study of nearly 1,000 people with post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) revealed that two-thirds still experienced significant symptoms, including reduced exercise capacity and cognitive performance, two years after infection. Persistent symptom clusters included fatigue, neurocognitive disturbances, and post-exertional malaise, with worse outcomes in individuals with obesity, lower education, or severe initial infections.

Patients with PCS showed reduced oxygen consumption and cognitive test scores, highlighting the need for exercise and cognitive evaluations in clinical care. The findings underscore the long-term impact of PCS and the urgent need for research into recovery factors.

I knew all this nearly three years ago <enter expletive!> :mad6: :omg:

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 Post subject: Re: Long Covid.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:07 am 
welcoming committee
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Just read the article again... what the <enter polite word> is PCS?, i thought we'd moved past orginisations making up acronyms for Long Covid/Long Haul Covid/PASC/Post Viral Disease and any other number of names/acronyms you've heard in the past 5 years... apparently not when it comes to justifying their funding... now i'm angry!! :evil:

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