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 Post subject: Question about GoodSync
 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:05 pm 
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Since Steve and I appear to be the only ones to use I guess this is mostly to Steve.

For ages I used an older version of GoodSync without issue but, since I did a clean install of Windows 10 on my main system, I went with the most current version of GoodSync and there is something that I don't even begin to understand.

Right now I only have three jobs setup and all are set as backup, not a true sync, from my main system to my bedroom system backup for my data drive and two media drives. The media drive backups work without issue but my data drive backup takes 2-3 hours even if the only change is a small Word document. For instance I did a backup sync of my second media drive that involved 11 new videos and it took well under a minute even though 2.5-3 GB was involved. On the other hand doing the same with my data drive can take hours even if just a small Word file is involved that has a size of under 1 MB. With the data drive it keeps re-doing things that have already been done.

Right now I have the data drive going and there are no changes to be made and required space on the destination shows no space required yet it shows over 2 hours until done.

I checked between the data drive and one of the media drives as to settings and it looks like I have both set the same. What is taking all the time is that it keeps doing the same thing over. Under the status column it shows "OwnerGen; and nothing else. Any idea as to the cause? I suppose that I should setup another job for the data drive with everything as default to see what happens as this was the drive that I was experimenting with when having connection issues and will do so after posting this but perhaps you can give me some insight...

OK, I just setup another job for the data drives and it is now 6-7 minutes instead of hours but there should have been shown no changes with no time involved other than the analyze. It is still a LOT better but not what it should be. Below is what I'm getting on a second run. The run was under 6 minutes but still not what I'd expect. Since this was a second run it should have been zero time for syncing just showing no changes. Since it now just takes minutes instead of hours I can deal with it easily but I prefer to know what is going on. ;)

sync.jpg [ 512.4 KiB | Viewed 226 times ]

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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:49 pm 
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It appears that something is up with your file timestamps. The destination shows today's date and time and the source shows the original date/time. Goodsync wants to update the timestamp on all of your files on the destination to match the source even though the files are otherwise identical.

The question is, though, what updated the timestamps on the Right/Destination? If you run the job through, both sides should match. And on the subsequent run, only the changed/new files should flag for backup from left to right.

stephen boots
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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:14 pm 
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These are the advanced options I have set for a large backup job, left to right.

goodsync1.JPG [ 54.34 KiB | Viewed 221 times ]

And here is a snippet of that job completed -- note that the file timestamp matches for left and right. Your screenshot shows that the right side is newer than the left, with the same size. Once the job runs, they should match.

goodsync2.JPG [ 80.91 KiB | Viewed 221 times ]

If you copied the files over outside of Goodsync, the destination timestamp would be a new date/time as shown in your screenshot. Then Goodsync wants to "fix" that on run. Once fixed, unless the destination updates the timestamp again to current, the next analyze/run should not detect any change.

stephen boots
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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:38 pm 
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Steve, I actually turned off everything on the setting page you suggested and still get the time thing as to status. I even went and checked the time/date shown on the second system thinking that it could be old enough for the CMOS battery to be out but it checked out as to being the correct time and date.

Really not a big issue as the backup sync is now just a matter of a few minutes but it bugs me as it should not be.

Ahh, just saw your settings you sent while I was typing the above and will try matching to see what happens. Will report later...

No joy as to settings. I DID notice that setting to copy attributes will not stick. If I select to copy attributes there is no change and, going back to settings, the associated checkbox is no longer selected. :dunno:

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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:04 pm 
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Well, that's certainly odd about the settings not sticking.
As to the timestamps on the destination vs. the source -- if you run the analyze now, does it continue to show the source as older than the destination?
When you analyze, expand the warning/note column to the right to read the entire thing (or maybe it shows if you hover over one line). What is the exact message?
Is the job continually showing you the same source/destination pairs in need of copying to the destination?

stephen boots
Microsoft MVP 2004 - 2020
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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:05 pm 
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I should add that most of my jobs do *not* copy attributes.

stephen boots
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 Post Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:52 pm 
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OK, all now seems fine and I got a "No Changes" message when doing my data drive. :) Oddly, after a restart, setting changes stayed.

Sigh, Now I just need to get jobs going for data backup to My Mac Book, Surface and Micro systems. Ya, I back my data to a total of 4 systems but not everything. Every now and then I also sync to an external drive. I have quite a dew games installed on my data drive due to their running fine there and doesn't hog up space on my system drive. I exclude the game folder as they are all Steam games and I can always re-install if something happens. Why clog up my system drive with 537 GB in my Steam library when it isn't necessary? :dunno:

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